William Higginson

William Higginson (1822-1905) was a Colonel of the Upper Canadian militia, the owner of the Vankleek Hill Electric Light Co., and chairman of the County of Prescott Railway.
William Higginson, son of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Higginson, was appointed Capt. of the first Company of the 18th Batt. of Prescott Volunteer Militia about 1861, commissioned Major July 24, 1863, and Lieut.-Col. February 15, 1867." In 1866, Major William Higginson was given command of the volunteer Prescott Militia mustered at Vankleek Hill in anticipation of the Fenian Raid. William Higginson was also a "highway surveyor" for the Township of West Hawkesbury in 1879 and 1880. He was elected reeve of this township 1890 and 1891.
Colonel Higginson took an active part in having electric light introduced into the village of Vankleek Hill in the 1890s. According to the diary of his cousin Thomas Tweed Higginson for November 19, 1891: "Vankleek Hill lighted by electricity last night. Great rejoicing." William took an interest in local schooling and made no little effort to have the High School equipped with a telescope and a good supply of philosophical apparatus. William added the upper portion of the Higginson Tower to create a conservatory and also built the red brick house nearby. The new railway station to serve Vankleek Hill and district was on land north of the hill, which was given by Colonel William Higginson.
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