
Whisher (Whisher Solutions SL) is a company that provides a service of shared wireless networks. The service was unveiled at DEMO 07 and launched in February 2007.
People can become members of Whisher by installing the application. With this application people can share their WiFi at home and get free WiFi access worldwide. The goals of this service bear similarities with services such as FON and Boingo Wireless. The differences with these services is that Whisher relies purely on a software solution for aggregating WiFi access points. The result of this approach is that people don't need to buy specific computer hardware, and the use of Whisher is free of charge. As of September 2008, the application has over 234.000 downloads.
Ferran Moreno's part in Whisher
Ferran Moreno, CEO of Whisher, transformed his idea into a global venture. After raising funds first from Swisscom and later from Balderton Capital, he sub-contracted development teams in Romania, Poland and Germany. In less than three years Whisher managed to get sold, at a considerable loss, to a Seattle-based company, after having spent all its capital and failing to raise a new round, and firing Ferran. Ferran had already worked out a similar deal with its previous venture, Air Bites, the first consumer Telco operator reselling WiFi to high density areas. Air Bites was fully owned and financed by Swisscom, and was led by Marcel Chiappori as CEO. When the company failed to sustain its business operations, Ferran replaced Chiappori as interim CEO. Air Bites was finally sold at a considerable loss by Swisscom.
Firing of the CEO
Ferran Moreno, CEO of Whisher, was fired by the board of directors on October 2008, for lack of faith and due diligence in his management of the company. He would later be accused of embezzlement and other crimes against his former investors.
Acquisition by wifi.com
On January 2009, Whisher was acquired by wifi.com, a Seattle-based company that manages the wifi.com domain. The acquisition took place after Whisher could not raise enough funding to sustain operations..
Criminal lawsuit against Ferran Moreno and Jesus Roy
On April 29, 2009, Whisher announced that it had filed a criminal lawsuit against Ferran Moreno, the former CEO of the company, for alleged embezzlement of company and investor funds, disloyal administration, and falseness in mercantile documents. The lawsuit was accepted by the courts, and Ferran Moreno declared as defendant on July 2009. Whisher was backed by Swisscom and Benchmark Capital, whose funds were allegedly embezzled by Moreno. Also cited in the lawsuit as defendant is Jesús Roy Solanas, who allegedly helped Moreno in the scheme by providing shell and offshore companies.
Press mentions and awards
Whisher received several press mentions and awards since its inception.
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