What The Googlies

"What The Googlies", or WTG, is a phrase that was first created during a hectic IT team collaboration event on the 8th of July 2009.
After a period of intense online collaboration towards a certain goal, one of the team members posted "WTG everyone". Unfortunately, this particular phrase was not understood by at least one team member, who then proceeded to speculate as to the meaning of the TLA (Three Letter Acronym).
One of the guesses was "What The Googlies" and it was then decided that this should now be the phrase represented by WTG.
Further to the usage of the word "Numpty" in the West Coast of Scotland with a friend from the Manchester area of the UK and its subsequent appearance in general usage around the whole of the UK, it is expected that usage of WTG to represent "What the Googlies" will proliferate quickly.
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