Westside Park School

Westside Park School is a public elementary school in Adelanto, California, in the United States. It has gained notoriety for its approach to teaching and showing growth on the California Department of Education's STAR Standards Test The school also places emphasis on serving its community through enrichment programs and services.
Westside Park has utilized Explicit Direct Instruction, block Excel programs, peer coaching, OARS data analysis and other avant garde programs to get higher API/AYP results every year.
API Score
1998 = 385
1999 = 405
2001 = 495
2002 = 533
2003 = 605
2004 = 619
2005 = 624
2006 =
2007 =
2008 =
2009 =
2010 and later years' API growth can be viewed at: .
In 2010, Westside was nominated to be a California Distinguished School. At the time of this edit, 3-25-10, the results are pending. As of 2010-2011, Westside's teachers and staff will continue exploring new programs such as full implementation of PLC's and other strategies including scaffolding and specialist/single subject intervention. Serving the community has the most value to the staff as it moves into the future.
Westside's demographics include a high-percentage of socio-economically disadvantaged students. One commitment of the school is to show through measurable academic achievement that economics should never limit student success in life.
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