WE Youth Political organization

WE Youth Political Organization (Russian: Молодежное политичеÑ?кое движение "МЫ"), known by the acronym МЫ is a youth politicаl organization of Crimea, Ukraine.

The Political Youth Organization “WE” was created in August 2007.

Its governing documents are the , .

The movement is headed by an Executive Committee. In October 2007 Kseniya Suvorova was elected Head of Executive Committee.

The “WE” organization claims no affilation with any political organization of Ukraine/Russia.

The organization's funding is based on the membership fees, the companions’ aids, private and institutional donations.

WE organization is known for its , .

From the Declaration

The following text taken from Declaration of creation of WE organization:

"Making ourselves responsible for the future of our city and its residents as for the Russian cultural and historical center of Crimea, the inhabitants of Sevastopol, we join the youth social and political movement “WE” (“МЫ”) with the following proclaimed aims and tasks:

WE are against any pressure, any infringement of the rights and liberties of russian people of Sevastopol.
WE will do everything in our power to defend the Russian language and the Russian population of the city, both in the particular single instance and in case of any danger of the disorders rise on the inter-ethnic and inter-confessional basis.

WE aren’t the nationalistic movement. Considering the fact that 80% of the Sevastopol population are russian, fallen within the national minority, WE, nevertheless, are ready to take the representatives of any nationalities and confessions in our movement. WE live together in our city, WE are to create it.

WE are a patriotic movement. WE are proud for the history of Sevastopol, its cultural and historical heritage. WE fight for the conservation of the city’s historical monuments, public green spaces, heroic battles and mass burial places; for the territories ennoblement, against the illegal usage of the land and constructions belonging to the historic fund and property of Sevastopol.

WE are for the realization of the considered youth policy. WE intend to fight against crime, drug addiction and other negative social phenomena as a result of the incorrect youth politics of the country.

Finally, WE are ready to defend the interests of all the citizens of Sevastopol, who had felt the government and other organizations’ pressure on them"

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