Ma Liqing

Ma Liqing (, b. 1969) is an assistant professor at the Department of History of Renmin University, in Beijing, China. She is a doctor in archaeology and a specialist in Inner Mongolia. She published several books in the Chinese language.

* The Original Xiongnu, An Archaeological Exploration of the Xiongnu's History and Culture. Hohhot: Inner Mongolia University Press. 2005. ("原匈奴�匈奴历�与文化的考�学探索" 内蒙�大学出版社 2005年)
* Economic Prosperity and Decline of Liao Dynasty as Judged by Its Coinage Development. Journal of Inner Mongolia University. 2001.3. ("从铸�业看辽代�济的盛衰" 内蒙�大学学报 2001年3期)
*Xiongnu's Fortress and Relative Questions. Inner Mongolia Social Sciences. 2002.4. ("匈奴的城塞�相关问题" 内蒙�社会科学 2002年4期)
*Qin-Style Bronze Mirror: Its Distribution Areas and Cultural Exchange. Journal of Inner Mongolia University. 2003.1. ("秦镜的分布�特�与文化交�" 内蒙�大学学报 2003年1期)
*Two Studies of Wall Paintings at the Fenghuang Shan Han Tomb in Inner Mongolia. Archaeology and Cultural Relics, 2003.2. ("内蒙�凤凰山汉墓�画二题" 考�与文物 2003年2期)
*The Reflection of Khitan's Food Culture in Rituals and Customs. Studies of Food Culture. 2004.1 ("契丹民æ—?的饮食文化在礼俗中的å??映" 饮食文化研究 2004å¹´1期)
*The New Archaeological Exploration of Northern Xiongnu Moved to West. Inner Mongolia Social Sciences, 2004.1. ("关于北匈奴西�的考�学新探索" 内蒙�社会科学 2004年1期)
*The New Archaeologial Evidence of Xiongnu's Writings. Archaeology and Cultural Relics. 2004.2. ("关于匈奴文字的考�学新线索" 考�与文物 2004年2期)
*Reexamination of Qin-Style Bronze Mirror. 6th International Conference on the History of Qin and Han Corpus. ("秦镜的分期分区研究" 第六届秦汉�国际学术研讨会论文集)
*Changes in Xiongnu's Territory as Judged by the Distribution and Spreading of Archaeological Culture. Journal of Inner Mongolia University. 2005.1. ("从文化的分布与传播看匈奴疆域的��" 内蒙�大学学报 2005年1期)
*The Proposition and Definition of the “Original Xiongnu". Journal of The Central University for Nationalities, 2005.6. ("关于“原匈奴”概念的æ??出与界定" 中央民æ—?大学学报 2005å¹´6期)
*On the Importance of Xiongnu's Culture in the Ordos Region. Xibu Archaeology (First Volume), Sanqin Press, 2006 Oct. ("论鄂尔多斯在匈奴文化中的地�" 西部考� 第一辑 三秦出版社 2006年10月)
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