Wayne Davison

Wayne Davison is a programmer and musician, born on 14 December in the US state of California.
Davison's first well-known project was trn, a Usenet newsreader based on Larry Wall's rn.
At the time, Davison worked for Borland International, where he was also involved in the development of dBase version 5.0 in 1994.
He later went to work for ClariNet.
During this time Davison created the unified context diff (modifying GNU diff and GNU patch), which allowed patches for open-source software packages to be smaller and easier to read.
Other open-source software projects he has either maintained or helped to maintain include screen, zsh, rsync (current maintainer), pop-before-smtp (current maintainer), and rbmake (current maintainer).
He worked with Lynn Brock and Joseph Esposito on The Processed Book Project in 2003.
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