War on cars powered by gasoline engines conspiracy

This article refers to the actions of the U.S. Federal government and the state of California, which aim into replacing gasoline powered automobiles with electric cars.
The CAFE standard, that applies to all new cars made since MY 1977 is forcing American carmakers to produce more fuel efficient automobiles. It was established in response to oil crisis of 1973. Since Barack Obama came into the office some argue that it has been used for pushing the political agenda. The price of the gasoline also doubled, along the lines of his campaign pledge. As he promised he's been actively promoting electric cars producers granting them billions of dollars from the budget and subsidizing producing of electric cars by the Big Three. Under current administration offshore drilling permits were freezed in favor of wind farm permits, the approval of the Keystone pipeline which would be providing oil from Canada is being delayed. In November 2012, before elections there has been set up new economy standard for gasoline powered cars at 62mpg which will take effect in 2025.
The state of California is setting its own CAFE standard, higher than the federal mandate and planning to have 1.5 million electric cars by 2025
Other factors
Some argue that the price of gasoline isn't up to US government apart from amount of the tax.<ref name="autogenerated1"/>
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