Wahhabism Ibadi Movement

The Wahhabism Ibadi Movement is an Ibadi movement founded by Abd al-Wahhab ibn Rustam , a Rustumiya state was born in 784 AD and fell in 832 AD. The movement was founded in Algeria and called Wahhabi after the name of its founder, Abd al-Wahhab.
Wahhabism Ibadi movement and Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab's mission
Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab mission was a Reformatory mission , he called on Muslims to the teachings of the true Islamic religion legislator in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, he was living in a Muslim environment, but most of them didn't know a lot of religious things and do things and was rebuked them comes indications of Qur'an and Sunnah Contrary to the Wahhabi movement Ibadi that originated in Algeria Specifically in Tiaret city , it led by Abdul Wahab ibn Rustim , it was this movement many religious obligation crashes in Islam such as fasting and pilgrimage and others have occurred between Wahhabism Ibadi and it opponents wars .
The fact of affiliation Daish and other terrorist organizations to Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's missiion
The modern media promotion of the terrorist organizations and Daish belong to Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's mission and this is not true at all and there are many of them signs
First, died Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab year 1790 and the first terrorist organization he appeared al-Qaeda in 1989, after the death of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab nearly 200 years Between the death of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and the emergence of Al-Qaida , so how can a person be published his Ideology and it applies after 200 years
Second, between Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab's death until now it's nearly 250 years and the number of Muslims billion and 700 thousand if it has to do with terrorism and if Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab distorts Islam will many people leave Islam and we will not see this issue of Muslim , knowing that he was living in the same place where Muslims come to him of the pilgrimage
Third: the claim that Al-Qaeda and Daish rely Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab's This is not at all proof, because they also read Qur'an after their terrorist acts, does this mean that Qur'an is not correct? never , but they have a stray thoughts and they didn't understand the correct meaning of Islam and distortion it , So the media took advantage of the Wahhabi movement Ibadi and accused Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab but he didn't establish movement or denomination, but he was just a mentor.
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