Vote India is an independent, non-profitable, non-charitable, non-governmental and politically neutral project initiated by a group of young Indian students and professionals. Itt aims to increase voter turnout and encourage the people of India to make an informed choice in selecting their leaders.
The main objectives of are:
# Increasing the voting percentage by encouraging and assisting users.
# Encouraging people to consider "Good Governance" as a criterion for choosing their candidate.
# Educating voters about their rights and the importance of voting.
Activities is involved in gathering information on appointing college and corporate representatives and making presentations in offices and college campuses (presently in Mumbai) to educate students and professionals about the election process & registration procedures. The Vote India website also provides information regarding the registration process.
The website provides information about Voter registration in English and Hindi. There are other articles also providing information about rule 49-O , Right to recall and the Right to reject.
Affiliations does not have any affiliation with any organisation or political party. While is open to financial assistance from any non-political organisation, it intends to retain freedom in its operations.
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