Vomit Fist

Vomit Fist is an American metal band. They describe their style as "blackened grindcore". The band is composed of guitarist Nick Didkovsky, drummer Leo Didkovsky, and vocalist Malcolm Hoyt.
Vomit Fist began as a duo of Doctor Nerve and Häßliche Luftmasken guitarist Nick Didkovsky and his son Leo on drums and vocals, performing under the pseudonyms Vürdoth and Lurkrot, respectively. The band's first and only performance as a duo was held as part of Spectrum's NYX Festival before expanding their lineup with the addition of Malcolm "Skrag" Hoyt on vocals. On March 25, 2014 the band released their first demo, followed by their debut EP Forgive but Avenge on June 28 of that year. They have performed numerous shows since then, including Hardcore/Punk Matinee shows at ABC No Rio, Death by Audio, and elsewhere. In 2014 Vomit Fist collaborated with choreographer Sara Hook and Paul Matteson on a new work entitled "Bored House Guests". The piece features the band's music and premieres October 2-5, 2014 at West End Theatre in New York City.
Vomit Fist performed live on WFMU's Minor Music, a recording of which is available at Free Music Archive
* - vocals
* - guitar
* - drums, vocals
*Live and Rehearsal Demos (2014)
*Forgive but Avenge (2014)
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