Vinod Thomas

Vinod Thomas was director general of Independent Evaluation at the World Bank and at Asian Development Bank.
He was the director-general and senior vice-president of the Independent Evaluation Group at the World Bank Group. He was formerly country director for Brazil and vice-president, a position that he held from October 2001 to July 2005. Prior to that, he was vice-president of the World Bank Institute. He joined the World Bank in 1976 and held several positions, including chief economist for the East Asia and Pacific region, director for the World Development Report, chief of trade policy and principal economist for Colombia, and economist for Bangladesh.
Thomas is currently visiting professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.
* Agricultural Price Policies and the Developing Countries, with G.S. Tolley and C.M. Wong, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982.
* Linking Macroeconomic and Agricultural Policies for Adjustment with Growth: The Colombian Experience, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985. Spanish version published by the Central Bank of Colombia.
* The Economics of Urbanization and Urban Policies in Developing Countries, ed. with G.S. Tolley, World Bank publication, 1987.
* Adjustment Lending: How It Has Worked, How It Can Be Improved, ed. with A. Chhibber, The World Bank, 1989.
* Restructuring Countries in Distress, ed. with others, Oxford University Press, 1991.
* Best Practices in Trade Policy Reform, with J. Nash, Oxford University Press, 1991.
* The Challenge of Development, World Development Report 1991, with others, Oxford University Press, 1991.
* Sustaining Rapid Development in East Asia and the Pacific, with R. Agarwala. A World Bank publication, 1993.
* The Lessons of East Asia: An Overview of Country Experience, with Danny Leipziger, A World Bank publication, 1993.
* The Quality of Growth, with Yan Wang, Nalin Kishor, Dani Kaufmann, Ramon Lopez and Ashok Dhareshwar. Oxford University Press, 2000.
* From Inside Brazil: Development in a Land of Contrasts, Stanford University Press, 2006 (English and Portuguese).
* Multilateral Banks and the Development Process: Vital Links in the Results Chain, with Xubei Luo. Transaction Publishers. 2012.
* Evaluation for Better Results. 10 Year of Independent Evaluation at Asian Development Bank, with others. Asian Development Bank: Manila. September 2014.
* Remembering our Future Results for Development. April 2015.
* Climate Change and Natural Disasters: Transforming Economies and Policies for a Sustainable Future. Transaction Publishers. 2017.
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