Vinicio De Bortoli Researcher who discovered the principles of interest in the field of electronic and physics, and his studies ranging from quantum physics to electronics and psychology. Biographical notes The father was skilled machinist, holder of several patents, including a machine that automates the production of ice cream for ice cream parlors. Vinicio De Bortoli 1978 he received his diploma in industrial expert in telecommunications at the ITC Alessandro Volta in Trieste presents as right as well as concentration 8 years of school into one. The same year he became a Industrial Technicians and the undergraduate degree in Physics from the University of Trieste, where he studied for five years without being able to obtain a degree because of bullying at work. He was then employed by the Post and Telecommunications, and was denied by the administration, the gap for the frequency at the laboratories of the University Trieste - Faculty of Physics. But personal problems do not end here, in addition to suffer discriminatory actions on the job by his superiors, and be challenged for his revolutionary theories in physics and electronics in the University in 1998 after a collapse, it undergoes a heart surgery, which due to a medical error will make it invalid to 100%, and immobilize it and force him to remain isolated for nearly 10 years. During this period continues to pursue studies and research in various fields, electronics, quantum physics and psychology, making some interesting discoveries as the primary Mind interface. Mind Interface Discovered in 1984 together with prof.Ugo Licinio the principle of the decoding of brain waves, they studied the EEG or Electroencephalography as a starting point for their research. 1984 was also the year Vinicio De Bortoli together with prof.Ugo Licinio patents, the first non-invasive interface for decoding of brain waves, this principle was later created the Mindball the Neurosky, and many other interfaces that use the brain waves. In 1985 the principle was patented in Spain . The principles he discovered was used for the development of different or BCI Brain Computer Interface, also called human-machine interface or BMI, Brain Machine Interface more evolved as: The Sega Master System Neurosky used this discovery to create a neural interface to control video games. Emotiv Systems, which makes use of a helmet wifi to control your PC remotely over the mouse. The same principle is used to remotely control next generation mobile phones. The interface he discovered was used to play the piano and other Anvendelser type of doctor to people with mobility problems and disabilities. Other research and its findings The following years saw him pledged to continue always together with Professor Ugo Licinio study of brain rhythms, and possible practical applications. Since 1987, studies the network Hartman (magnetic field) and the impact of electromagnetic pollution itself. In 1992 he created and patented in Switzerland a Geiger counter or detector of radioactive particles in the solid state at low cost, new concepts. In 1998 in Switzerland, created and patented a system for sound projection without the use of loudspeakers using piezoelectric transducers, which can project sound from a distance. Since 2002, researching and creating different prototypes of the phase plug Shuman, which allows you to synchronize the Earth's electromagnetic vibration with the human body.