Vincent Thibault

Vincent Thibault, born on March 21, 1985, is a Canadian writer. His books, primarily written in French and published by various publishing houses in Quebec, include both fiction and nonfiction: novels, collections of short stories, essays on sports, philosophy and health.
Books available in English language
* Parkour and the Art du déplacement: Strength, Dignity, Community, translated by Casey Roberts, 2013.
* Purity: Japanese short stories, translated by Lisa Hannaford-Wong, CreateSpace, 2013.
* The Walker: A Tale of Mindfulness, Loss and Resilience, translated by Lisa Hannaford-Wong, Kindle, 2014.
Books published in French
* Le Secret fardeau de Munch (Munch’s Secret Burden), short story, éditions de Courberon, 2009.
* Les Mémoires du docteur Wilkinson (The Memoirs of Doctor Wilkinson), short stories in the detective fiction genre, éditions de la Pleine lune, 2010.
* La Pureté (Purity), short stories inspired by Japanese fiction, éditions du Septentrion, 2010.
* Les Bêtes (Beasts), Nordic novel, éditions de la Pleine lune, 2012.
* Le Grand XXIIIe (The Great Twenty-Third), Fantasy novel, éditions Hurtubise, 2014.
* Graines d’éveil : Contes inspirés de la sagesse des Anciens (Sowing the Seeds: Buddhist Tales of Wisdom), preface by Claire Pimparé, éditions Un monde différent, 2007.
* Source de bonheurs et bienfaits : Petite introduction au bouddhisme (The Source of All Happiness and Well-being: A Fresh, Concise Introduction to Buddhism), preface by Jean-Marie Lapointe, éditions Un monde différent, 2009.
* Quand les sombres nuages persistent (When the Dark Clouds Persist), preface by Francine Ruel, éditions de Mortagne, 2010.
* L’Art du déplacement : Force, dignité, partage (Parkour and the Art du déplacement: Strength, Dignity, Community), preface by Dan Edwardes, éditions du Septentrion, 2012.
* Méta-Nutrition: Petite philosophie de l’alimentation pour enfin s’y retrouver et faire des choix éclairés (Philosofood: 12 Key Principles for Intelligent Eating and Smooth Decision-Making), CreateSpace, 2013.
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