Anthony Metivier

Anthony Metivier (born 1977) is a Canadian author and Memory training expert who has been called the “Bruce Lee of Memory”. He is well known for his Magnetic Memory series of books and the daily Magnetic Memory Newsletter. His approach to mnemonics, known as the Magnetic Memory Method, has introduced several new innovations to the art of memory. Influenced by memory skills innovators like Harry Lorayne and Tony Buzan, Metivier is a promoter of mental literacy.
Personal life
Born in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Metivier grew up in Kamloops where he attended school with the exception of a brief 6-month stint when he dropped out of grade 12 to read the Collier's Encyclopedia. Later, he returned to finish high school and eventually completed a PhD and became the first person to hold a Doctorate in Humanities from York University.
As a student at York, Metivier completed first a BA and MA in English Literature before completing an MA in Media and Communications at the European Graduate School.
From 2009-2011, Metivier taught Film Studies in the Art History Department of the University of Saarland partly under the auspices of a Mercator research grant for the project, “Elective Affinities?: Studien zu filmischen Adaptionen von Romanen und Erzählungen mit Kunstbezug”.
Anthony Metivier authored many books on using the memory palace technique to memorize foreign language vocabulary. He is also a novelist, author of commentaries on other mnemonists and Friedrich Nietzsche.
Mnemonic Methods
Metivier’s approach to mnemonics centers on the Memory Palace technique as derived from the possibly mythical tale of Simonides of Ceos who is said to have used location-based mnemonics in order to memorize speeches and the names of individuals.
Apparently influenced by Niklas Luhmann and his Zettelkasten technique, Metivier has also educated the public about how to memorize a textbook using index cards as part of a Memory Palace strategy. Metivier has stated that he is working on dedicated methods for memorizing music and chess as he completes the “Magnetic Memory Matrix” project, which involves creating educational books about memorizing the vocabulary of 25 languages.
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