Viktor Fedotov

Viktor Mikhailovich Fedotov (; born August 1947) is a Russian-British businessman.
Transneft allegations
Fedotov, was the chairman of two companies that made more than £80m from a state-funded pipeline construction project alleged to have been mired in fraud, costing the Russian state vast sums." In a 2008 internal review, the Russian state pipeline monopoly Transneft questioned why certain companies, including one chaired by Fedotov, had received huge commissions for work it passed on to subcontractors, depriving the state-owned company of valuable resources. It led to a criminal investigation but no charges were filed and Fedotov was not personally accused of any wrongdoing. and SLP PRODUCTION LIMITED (Company number 06390883). SEL (2010) LIMITED was dissolved in March 2016 following liquidation by administrators with losses to secured and unsecured creditors. Per the accounts to 30 Jun 2008 (the last filed), the accumulated losses at that point were £21.337m. The parent undertaking of SEL (2010) LIMITED was SLP PRODUCTION LIMITED (the name of which was subsequently changed to OFFSHORE GROUP NEWCASTLE LIMITED, and which has now been liquidated)).
Lubov Chernukhin was a co-director of SEL (2010) LIMITED. Alexander Temerko was a co-director of SEL (2010) LIMITED and SLP PRODUCTION LIMITED.
Involvement in UK Critical National Infrastructure that would form part of Critical National Infrastructure in the UK. The 238 km (148-mile) subsea cable is being billed primarily as an electricity interconnector, able to import enough electricity from France to meet 5% of the UK's demand. Aquind also plans to lay one of the largest data pipes in Europe alongside it. It will hold 180 fibre-optic pairs and is almost double the size of a rival project, by Crosslake Fibre.
Both men are reported to hold their ownership in Aquind via Luxembourg holding companies. The Guardian reported: "The ultimate source of Aquind’s financial support remains unclear. Aquind’s UK accounts show it has received loans of more than £23m from OGN Enterprises, a company registered in the British Virgin Islands. The owners of OGN are undisclosed." is a former director of Aquind, while fellow House of Lords member James Wharton, recently appointed as universities watchdog, has disclosed that his consultancy receives fees from Aquind.
Political payments
Aquind is reported to have donated £243,000 to the Conservative Party. Per the Bureau of Investigative Journalism: "Aquind ... together with its director Alexander Temerko, has donated to the Tory chancellor Rishi Sunak, business secretary Alok Sharma and Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis".<ref name=":0" />
"A spokesperson for Aquind said the company was “strictly compliant with all relevant laws and legislations of the UK, France and the European Union” and that “all political donations” had “complied with the relevant legislations”."<ref name=":1"/>
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