Velvet Dark

Velvet Dark is a character in the popular Perfect Dark videogame for the Nintendo 64, created by Rare. Although Velvet is not mentioned in the story mode, she can be activated as a companion 'buddy' agent in the cooperative feature if the player is using a computer simulated partner rather than a human player. With the surname 'Dark' it is assumed that she is Joanna's sister but this is not confirmed during gameplay or by any Rare official. Although a cult favourite for many Perfect Dark fans, she did not appear in the prequel made for the Xbox 360, Perfect Dark Zero. During missions Velvet is famous for her small but rememberable repretoire of catchcrys, such as 'did that hurt?' and 'I'm in trouble.' Part of the reason behind Velvet's fame is the ability for the player to kill her in a variety of humourous circumstances, a favourite is planting remote mines on the ground or on Velvet herself and blowing her off the top of the dataDyne sky scraper. With the recent announcement of a sequel to Perfect Dark by Rare, there has been much anticipation among fans for a return of the beloved buddy character.
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