Vegetarian Wednesday is a movement aimed at getting people to try vegetarianism one day each week. The movement was started as a community-based blog in Ann Arbor, Michigan, by 9-year-old Eleanor Mugele and her father, Josh Mugele, a medical student at the University of Michigan. Vegetarian Wednesday has two stated objectives: "to encourage meat-eaters ... to make a difference in their health and in the health of the planet"; and as a "social experiment" to study how memes spread. The blog has multiple contributors and encourages readers to submit recipes and stories about how the meme of Vegetarian Wednesday has spread. The site has six categories of posts: Personal Vignettes, Spreading the Meme, Vegetarian Facts, Vegetarian Products, Vegetarian Recipes, and Vegetarian Restaurants. The tagline for Vegetarian Wednesday is "We don't need you to be vegetarian every day, just Wednesday." Spreading the Meme On September 25, 2007, Vegetarian Wednesday got its first newspaper mention in the Ann Arbor News. Staff reporter Amanda Hamon wrote an overview of the movement and the founders. International * In Dutch-speaking countries the notion of "Donderdag veggiedag" (Thursday being the vegetarian day) is also spreading.