
Vegetarians eat a diet of vegetables, nuts, fruit and other plant based and non-animal foods. They do not eat meat or slaughter-derived products such as gelatin. Some vegetarians eat foods produced by animals like dairy goods, eggs, and honey.
The ideology or belief system for human vegetarians is known as vegetarianism. The practice may be based on a moral and ethical choice, religious values, or health considerations. Concerns about the humane treatment of animals, environmental considerations, and opposition to factory farming are examples of the considerations that can motivate the decision to become vegetarian.
Herbivores like elephants, sheep, moose and sloths that subsist on plants are types of vegetarian eaters in the animal kingdom. Animals that are not vegetarian are carnivores (subsisting mostly on meat) and omnivores (eating meat and plant based foods). There are also sub-groups of herbivores like frugivores, that subsist on fruit, and grazers that eat grasses.
The word was first coined by the founders of the British Vegetarian Society in 1842. The word is derived from the latin word vegetus.
Vegetaraian ingredients
A vegetarian diet can include fruits, vegetables (including root vegetables and leaf vegetables), legumes, grains, tubers, nuts, berries, mushrooms, and beans. Seasonings include salt and peper, herbs, various spices, and extracts like vanilla. Maple syrup, grasses (such as sugarcane), seaweed, foods made with yeast (such as beer and bread), and more unusual foods such as edible flowers and ferns can also be included in a vegetarian diet.
Products that are produced by animals, like dairy, eggs, and honey are eaten by some vegetarians and not by others, espcially vegans.
Vegetarian dishes
There are also many dishes that do not normally include meat and many vegetarian dishes are simply variants of familiar dishes without the meat. Vegetarian dishes can also include soy based foods, tempeh, and ingredient combinations that imitate or are analogs for meaty foods, such garden burgers and veggie dogs.
Nutitionists are trying to get schools in the United States to introduce students to vegetarian foods as part of a push for healthier eating habits.
Publications on a vegetarian diet include Vegetarian Times and numerous books.
In popular culture
Animated Simpsons character Lisa Simpson is vegetarian, and vegetarian musician Paul McCartney agreed to appear in the show in a vegetarian episode only after executive producer, David Mirkin, agreed to keep Lisa a vegetarian.
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