Vachette Pathology

Vachette Pathology was founded in 2002 and is a nationwide pathology practice management firm. It was founded by Mick Raich, a speaker and author on issues, practices and trends related to pathology practice and laboratory billing. Vachette works with hospital-based pathology practices, independent laboratories and hospital outreach laboratories.
In working with clients, Vachette "takes a two-part approach to pathology practices." First, it conducts an audit of billing practices to determine if they are being done correctly. Second, it serves as a liaison between the practice and managed care companies to "do what can to help managed care companies pay more money."
Recently, Raich was quoted as saying that the future demand for pathologists "will only increase their value as the work pool decreases," which will put them in a stronger position when "negotiating favorable hospital contracts." Raich's forecast for the increased demand for pathologists echos a similar forecast by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Vachette Pathology is a member of and/or supports several related organizations, including:
* MGMA's Pathology Management Assembly,
* American College of Healthcare Executives and
* CAP Foundation.
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