Unstoppable 39 clues

Unstoppable (39 Clues) is the third series in the 39 Clues series of books. The series follows the Cahills as they struggle to fight J. Rutherford Pierce and his thugs. Pierce disguised himself as Fiske Cahill, a notable Cahill family member, and stole the Cahill serum, which allows the family to become the most powerful one on Earth. Pierce wanted to first become the president of the United States, then detonate small nuclear bombs around the world in order to ignite World War Three. Then, he intended to take advantage of the chaos and become the leader of a United Planet Earth. He believed that only the Cahills could expose him and stop him, but that they don't pose much of a threat. Throughout the series, Pierce repeatedly sends his serum-enhanced thugs to kill the Cahills. However, in the end, the Cahills prevail, manufacturing an antidote to the serum using Olivia Cahill's book and foiling Pierce's plan. The series includes the following books:
# Nowhere to Run
# Breakaway
# Countdown
# Flashpoint
Nowhere to Run
The first book in the Unstoppable series, Nowhere to Run documents Pierce's rise to power and the Cahills' discovery of Olivia Cahill's secret book concerning the serum's antidote. The book features a green cover, with Greek helmets, shields, and spears. The book was written by Jude Watson and released on October 1, 2013.
This book starts at William McIntyre's funeral. It is said thatJake and Amy are in love and are dating now and Jake lives in Rome. The book also introduces the characters Arabella Kessler and J. Rutherford Pierce, who are part of a company called Founders Media. It is proven that the main villains of "Unstoppable" have taken The Master Serum. This is because the code in Day of Doom states that someone else knows the serum. In the excerpt, it is shown that J. Rutherford Pierce swims in shark-infested waters, and that his henchmen are exceptionally strong, implying the Tomas Serum. Also, the owner of Founders Media<nowiki/>jumps from beams on an unfinished building. Dan also mentions that he is a "Super Mega Genius," implying theEkaterina Serum. The character swimming in shark-infested water also mentioned he had a million plans in his mind, which is the Lucian Serum. The character playing the violin was playing like water flowing smoothly, which is Janus.
When the funeral service is over, Founders Media tries to kill Amy and Dan by burying them alive. However, they escape, chased by Founders Media paparazzi, and Nellie's car appears. Then, they travel back to the mansion, while Amy and Dan try to find out about Founders Media with Nellie. They decide to ask J. Rutherford Pierce about his attacks personally. They sneak into the Founders Media headquarters in Boston and pretend to be reporters, and ask questions. Pierce recognizes the two Cahills and ends the press conference to jump away. As Amy and Dan try to catch him, he acrobatically and in-humanly jumps off the building and lands on the pedestrian bridge. His men then lead Amy and Dan away to the edge of the building to their death. However, they make an escape and jump on the elevator where Arabella Kessler and the other reporters are.
When Amy discovers that Pierce may have taken the serum, they realize that Sammy Mourad, the Cahill professor at Columbia University, may have somehow gotten a hold of the residue from Dan's serum experiment. They drive to Columbia University and ask him. He explains that he recovered the residue of the serum and did some tests on it. He then gave his notes to a man claiming to be Fiske Cahill, who said he would put them in the Madrigal Archive. They realize that this must have been J. Rutherford Pierce, so they drive to where Fiske Cahill is in rehab and ask him what to do. He says that since they have been hacked and a paparazzi is following them, they should go to one of Grace's safehouses which is in Ireland.
They go to the safehouse, a cottage called Bhaile Anois - which is in Meenalappa, the town where Olivia Cahill<nowiki/>grew up, which is still a Madrigal base - and find a secret room where Grace stored away a book from their ancestor Olivia Cahill, which explains how she was Leonardo Da Vinci's apprentice. They discover that she wrote up the ingredients for an antidote for the serum, which are all found in lost civilizations. The enemy finds them, but they escape and head out to Istanbul, Turkey, where the lost civilization Troy was located. The ingredient in Troy is six whiskers of an Anatolian leopard.
Meanwhile, Nellie is on a mission of her own, as she realizes that Pierce's men have kidnapped Sammy. She aims to save Sammy from Pierce's facility, where they believe he is manufacturing the serum in mass.
They then climb up the Taurus Mountains, and Amy finds the six whiskers of an Anatolian leopard for The Serum Antidote they want to give to Pierce. 
The second book in the Unstoppable series, Breakaway documents the continuing struggle between the Cahills and Pierce. It also documents deteriorating relations between the Cahills. The book was written by Jeff Hirsch
Countdown is the third book in the Unstoppable series. It was written by Natalie Standiford. The cover features a broken Mayan artifact, as the book primarily takes place in Tikal, Guatemala. The book cover is also colored orange.
In London, England, J. Rutherford Pierce meets with the Queen of England. However, his wife Debi Ann curtsies when Pierce told her not to, and Pierce later breaks one of the Queen's teacups while experiencing a tremor due to the serum. He tries to turn the mishap to his favor by saying that the teacup was too old and that it was time that the Queen got new china. However, the Queen is not pleased. Pierce reflect on how the Cahills are his last opponent to world domination, and vows to kill them. In Guatemala City, Guatemala, the Cahills and Rosenblooms are at the La Aurora International Airport. However, they see paparazzi who are sent by Pierce who publicize their every move. As they escape, they hear rude remarks from the paparazzi and passengers at the airport alike. They escape to their waiting chopper, and make a close escape. They see that Pierce's soldiers are after them, too- their orders are to kills the Cahills but to make it look like an accident. The soldiers' breath smells like green kale mixed with chlorine and ammonia. After the chopper takes off, one of Pierce's men jumped extremely high, due to the serum. The chopper is on its way to Tikal, where the kids have to look for riven crystal in order to complete the antidote to the serum Pierce and his thugs have taken. Dan, Atticus, and Jake are all ignoring Amy because of how she left them behind while embarking on a dangerous mission. Amy also told Jake, her former boyfriend, how she had never loved him. Amy decides that she would rather have her loved ones "angry and alive than dead". Amy also hears the clink of the serum that Sammy Mourad had made for her, just in case. As the groups discusses the riven crystal and Tikal, a national park and archaeological treasure uncovered in 1956, the chopper suddenly shakes. The pilot, who is wearing a parachute, had been hired by Pierce to jump out and crash the helicopter, in an attempt to kill the Cahills. The group finally fights off the pilot, and Amy takes the controls. She unsteadily flies it to Tikal, where the chopper falls thirty vertical feet onto a pok-a-tok court. Miraculously, the groups survives with few injuries. A ranger picks them up and tells them information about Tikal. At their hotel room, the kids Pony to do a search on Debi Ann, who is a Cahill. Later, Atticus uses Olivia Cahill's book to find out the location of the riven crystal. Meanwhile, in Trilon Laboratories in Delaware, Nellie Gomez, acting as Nadine Gormey, makes contact with Sammy Mourad, who is being held in the building to improve the serum for Pierce. In Attleboro, Massachusetts, Pony works on getting information about Debi Ann, though it is difficult. Meanwhile, in Tikal, as the group is searching for the crystal, Pierce's thugs ambushes them, and Dan nearly dies. Amy takes the serum in order to save Dan, but now she only has a week to live. In Delaware, Dr. Brent Bechelheimer is trying to expose Nellie as a fraud, but she uses pictures of his gnoming hobby in order to portray him as unstable. Meanwhile, Amy is experiencing side effects that will soon kill her.As events progress, Nelliw discovers that Jeffrey Callendar is experimenting on Fiske Cahill. In Tikal, Hamilton, Atticus, Ian, and Jonah try to find out if Amy and Dan have recovered Olivia's book, and try to find the riven crystal. Nellie tells Pony to warn Amy and Dan that they are heading into a trap. However, even though the riven crystal is found, Dan is abducted, Pony is killed by Pierce's thugs, and Nellie and Sammy are captured at Trilon Laboratories.
The fourth and last book in the Unstoppable series, Flashpoint was written by Gordon Korman. The cover is purple, with green pieces of broken glass.
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