Una Tribe of Mixed-Bloods

The Una Tribe of Mixed-Bloods (pronounced: ooo-nuh), formerly the Nwambu People, is a non-federally recognized tribe of Native American mixed-bloods, located in Oregon. The tribal government is based in Eugene, Oregon. The tribe will enter a bill for a House Resolution giving support in Oregon in the 2015 legislative session.
The tribe was founded on January 3, 2013 by who are referred to in the tribe as the Four Founders; Jamey Goss,his wife, Ben Suchan, their son, Richard Lake III, and LeRoy Kincaid, who is the father of Lucretia. The tribe consists of Native American mixed-bloods, who do not qualify for enrollment with their ancestral Native American tribes, due to lower blood quantums and/or lack of evidence of their native ancestry.
The tribes name has several meanings and derivatives; Una is Spanish, meaning the one, and so Una Tribe of Mixed-Bloods stands for not only United Native American Tribe of Mixed-Bloods, but also means the one tribe of mixed-bloods. The tribe is referred to as the Una tribe, the Una, or simply Una; whereas, the tribal members, as a whole or individual, are referred to as Una or the Una.
Since its creation in 2009, the Una tribal enrollment has risen from the four original founders, to now having 510 enrolled members. The majority of the tribes members are in Oregon; however, approximately 15% live in Washington and California, with another 5% living elsewhere in the United States, and <1% live abroad.
It is estimated that there are millions of Native American Mixed-Bloods in the United States alone, and tens of millions in North America. (See .)
The tribe has a council known as the "Council of Chief's", which consists of the five High Chiefs. A Council Member may choose to will their vote to another person, who will sit on the council and vote in their place. The council meets monthly in Eugene, Oregon.
Traditional leadership
The tribe has chosen to have a traditional leader, who serves as the ceremonial leader of the Una; he is known as the Paramount Chief of the Una. The current Paramount Chief is Richard E. Lake, II. The eldest son of the Paramount Chief, Richard B. Lake, III, is known within the tribe as Prince of Irqu, and serves as Heir Apparent. The Prince of Irqu is an actor and singer known as Brenndt James.
The Una Tribe is one of a few Native American indigenous groups or tribes that has a traditional tribal monarchy, similar to that of the Naso people of Panama. The Una chose to have "royalty" because of their duality of heritage from European, African, and Native American descent.
The Una Tribe has nine clans, of which there are two classes; for instance, they are classified into the Upper and Lower clans. The Paramount Chief is the leader of all of the clans and their leaders. He is a symbol of unity among the Una. The clans, in order of precedence, including who their clan leaders are:
The Upper Clans
The leaders of these clans hold the title of High Chief.
* The Zehzej Clan
** H.H. Paramount Chief Richard, High Chief Zehzej
*** Heir: H.H. Prince Richard, Prince of Irqu, High Chief Igasju and Ehtaer, Chief Zonhaer
* The Znezua Clan
** H.E. LeRoy J. Kincaid, High Chief Znezua
*** Heir: H.H. Prince Richard, Prince of Irqu, High Chief Igasju and Ehtaer, Chief Zonhaer
* The Igasju Clan
** H.H. Prince Richard, Prince of Irqu, High Chief Igasju and Ehtaer, Chief Zonhaer
*** Heir: Prince William, Chief Zspaeriuk
* The Mazau Clan
** H.E. Kadee J. Dick, High Chieftess Mazau
*** Heir: Laj Kody Dick
* The Ehtaer Clan
** H.H. Prince Richard, Prince of Irqu, High Chief Igasju and Ehtaer, Chief Zonhaer
*** Heir: Prince William, Chief Zspaeriuk
The Lower Clans
The leaders of these clans hold the title of Chief.
* The Zonhaer Clan
** H.H. Prince Richard, Prince of Irqu, High Chief Ehtaer, Chief Zonhaer
*** Heir: Prince William, Chief Zspaeriuk
* The Trazja Clan
** Hon. Forest Lake I, Chief Trazja
*** Heir: Forest Lake II, Hereditary Chief Trazja
* The Zspaeriuk Clan
** Prince William, Chief Zspaeriuk
*** Heir: Prince Donovan de Zehzej-Igasju
* The Eizsdahn Clan
** Hon. Priscilla Hughes, Chieftess Eizsdahn
*** Heir: Ryan Hughes, Hereditary Chief Eizsdahn
Same-sex marriage
In 2013, the Council voted to legalize same-sex marriage within the tribe. The vote was 4 to 1.
The Una are acknowledged and fully supported by Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon, Mayor Kitty Piercy of Eugene, Oregon, and in 2015 the Oregon House of Representatives will vote to give full recognition of the tribe. The tribe has been in talks with Oregon Speaker of the House, Representative Val Hoyle since 2013.
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