Uhujimfura Jean Claude

Uhujimfura Jean Claude (born 17 March 1994) is a Rwandan Talent Manager and Businessman, he is the co-founder of Rwandan known music label Kikac Music and he serves as their business manager. As a manager, Uhujimfura represents Rwandan artists including Mico The Best and Bwiza. Uhujimfura is the mind behind Next Diva Indi Mbuto which made famous some artists in Rwanda like Bwiza.
Early life
Uhujimfura was born on 17 March 1994 and raised in Cyangugu, Rusizi in the western province of Rwanda. He studied at primary school, later he moved to Kigali to continue his high school in APACE Secondary School, where he graduated in Computer Science and Management in 2013.
Entertainment career
In 2018, Uhujimfura with his colleagues Kintu Muhammad and Elijah Kalisimbi, founded an entertainment company in Rwanda named Kikac Ltd which lead local known music label called Kikac Music Label, a music label which carries Rwandan popular artists including Mico The Best, Bwiza, Holyrapper and others. Uhujimfura not only manages Kikac Music but also he used to lead leisure during high school, like in his time at APACE he founded school radio dubbed Gap APACE Radio, in partnership with the USA-based Rwandan known Radio presenter Ally Saudi.
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