UAP Expeditions Organization (UAPx) is a United States based non-profit research organization, dedicated to the scientific study of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon .
UAP Expeditions Organization (UAPx) was founded in August 2019 by former US Navy personnel Kevin Day and Gary Voorhis, who whilst on active duty witnessed the 2004 "Tic Tac" UAP events which were reported in the New York Times articles of 16 December 2017. Video footage of these events was released in the well publicised Pentagon UFO videos. The UAPx core team consists of professional physicists, NASA-trained astronauts, former NASA astrophysicists, military systems/electronic engineer analysts, Technical Writers, former USAF and US Navy personnel and electronic/mechanical engineers.
UAPx strives to resolve cases under investigation into one of five potential explanatory categories. This includes detection equipment systems based on hardware developed by Ron Olch of the UFO Data Acquisition Project (UFODAP), standard video capture, Forward-looking Infrared (FLIR) cameras, high energy particle detectors such as the CosmicWatch device developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNG). Field investigations are often designed to achieve triangulation of observations.
Catalina Island Expedition - A Tear in the Sky
In 2021, UAPx mounted an investigatory expedition to Catalina Island, which was filmed by an independent production company (Omnium Media) as the subject of a documentary movie named A Tear in the Sky. The popular movie included commentary by well known physicist Micho Kaku and Star Trek actor William Shatner. Following the release of the A Tear in the Sky, the UAPx team discussed the expedition in depth and corrected some inaccuracies in the movie's representation of events, in a podcast entitled A Tear in the Sky - Review. Streamed live on YouTube on 4 May 2022, which had given rise to the movie producer's choice of title.
Whilst the movie presented a snapshot of the expedition for a popular audience, over 2TB of multi-sensor data. UAPx's visit to the ranch was televised in the History Channel's The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch TV show (Season 3, Episode 2).
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