Tyler Redick


Tyler Redick

Tyler Redick is a machinima artist that works on Youtube. He makes all of his machinimas with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Tyler's Youtube account name is JackSpicer2311. On this account you will see all of Tyler's Machinimas and other videos. Total Video Count is over 150.

TR Films Logo

TR Films is Tyler's One-Man Production Company. TR Films first started when Tyler began making videos about the myths of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. When Tyler ran out of myths to make videos about, he began using GTA:SA to make Machinimas. Now, all that Tyler Redick is known for is making Machinimas. Tyler recently got Nintendo World accepted by Machinima.com.  


Tyler has a lot of machinima series. His most popular one is Nintendo World. The making of the series requried a heavely modded GTA:SA. The series is about the Mario Brothers and how they must team up with other Nintendo Characters to stop the evil GameOver from destroying Nintendo World. Nintendo World has 3 seasons (season 3 still in the making) and a movie.

 Another popular machinima by Tyler is (Chain)SAW. This was the first series Tyler ever made. It is about a chainsaw killer, who happens to be Beavis from Beavis and Butthead, and the people who try to stop him. All, but one of them fail to kill Beavis. (Chain)SAW has six movies all total.

 Some less popular machinimas include The Rise of Demons. In this series, a man must go back in time to stop the demon lord from rising and destroying the world. The Rise of Demons has 4 parts to it. Another less popular is Beavis and the Undead. This machinima is about Beavis and Hank Hill as they try to survive in a zombie infested world. Beavis and the Undead has 4 parts to it.

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