
TxGarage or Texas Garage is a Texas based news publication that is dedicated to car enthusiasts within Texas. Texas is a large state with lots of people and hobbies but car enthusiast are more common than you would think. Take for example our racing history and great names like Carroll Shelby. LeMans racing used to take place in Houston, Texas and the first American Grand Prix, F1 race will be in Austin, Texas.
The founders of txGarage thought that of this automotive excitement surrounded within this state warranted a publication geared at the enthusiast public in Texas.
Established in 2008 with their first major car review posted on June 2nd 2009 txGarage has been publishing their news, thoughts, and reviews for over 2 years. Two steady figures of txGarage are their Editor-in-Chief/Writer, Toby Marlow, and the Multimedia Producer/Writer and TAWA member, Adam Moore.
source: txGarage.com/about
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