Turbo Plot

Turbo Plot is a freeware GUI application to produce two- and three-dimensional plots of functions and data, under Windows XP or newer.
* Multilingual.
* x64
* x86
* Unaliased vectored graphics
* Select in any object: font,brush,pen,colors,sizes
* Multiple figures
* 2D objects: Text,Axes,Point,Polyline,Polygon,Rectangle,Ellipse,Image,Grid,Function,Wave,FFT,Wave
* 3D objects: Cube,3D function, Camera Transform, Perspective Transform
* Output to: Screen, clipboard, BMP, JPG, PNG, EMF
* Output as vector
* Scriptable, saves/loads TPL files
* Transforms supported: Matrix,Rotation,Scaling,Shearing,Shifting,Zooming,Multiplying
* Auto update when new version is uploaded
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