
Tuleap is a free and open source suite for Application Lifecyle Management or forge to manage software development projects. It provides technical tools for software engineering as well as information and knowledge sharing and collaboration.
Tuleap is used in 43 countries by developers, architects, project managers and CTO’s.
Tuleap is licensed under the GNU GPL. There is no difference between a community and an enterprise version. It is mainly written in PHP and based on a LAMP architecture.
For academics, Tuleap offers free hosted spaces
Tuleap is web-based and includes several modules. Each project activates the modules it needs:
* Project management: dashboards with widgets, Graph reports: pies, barr, Gantt chart, Agile tools: burndown, agile cardwall, notifications
* Change management: Flexible issue tracking system for requirements, tasks, bugs, tests, risks, users stories, backlog, etc.
* Configuration management: SVN, CVS, Git
* Continuous Integration: Hudson/Jenkins
* Full traceability on changements, fine-grained permissions, workflow
* Document manager, wiki
* Instant messaging, forums, mailing lists, RSS feeds, news
Worldwide notable installations
* STMicroelectronics, one of the world’s largest semicon-ductor companies,
* ST-Ericsson, an industry leader in design, development and the creation of cutting-edge mobile platforms
* Orange, the world’s leading telecommunications operators.
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