Tristan Loraine

Tristan Loraine (born January 1, 1962) is a former airline Captain and holder of an Airline Transport Pilot Certificate who flew the Boeing 737, Boeing 757, Boeing 767 and L1011. His first flight as a student pilot was in 1979 at Belfast International Airport. He graduated from the Sierra Academy of Aeronautics based at the Oakland International Airport in 1983. Prior to being ill health retired in 2006 due to Aerotoxic Syndrome he had flown nearly 15,000 hours for Orion Airways, Monarch Airlines and British Airways.
He completed the Ironman UK event in 2005 and has completed half a dozen marathons. He is a former BALPA NEC member and Health and Safety Rep. He is a keen amateur radio operator and conservationist.
He is currently co-chairman of the GCAQE an organization globally representing air crew with regard to cabin air quality, specifically contaminated air issues and representing over 400,000 aviation workers globally in 3 continents.
He has published papers on the issue of contaminated air and is the author of the novel Toxic Airlines which is being turned into a motion picture by Fact Not Fiction Films Ltd.
He has produced and directed the following feature films and documentaries (some in production):
*Welcome Aboard Toxic Airlines
*Flying Sheilas
*Broken Wings
*Committee On Toxicity
*The Cornshed
Internal links
* Welcome Aboard Toxic Airlines
* British Air Line Pilots Association
* Bleed air
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