
TrendSpider is an American technology company known for providing technical analysis software and a new type of financial chart known as the Raindrop Chart, which allows users to observe the flow of volume and price together in a singular visualization. TrendSpider's charts have been used by Nasdaq, TheStreet, Cheddar News, CNBC and many other financial media outlets in their news stories.
TrendSpider was founded by Ruslan Lagutin and Dan Ushman,
Users can adjust how aggressive the platform's automated analysis is, allowing users to identify both high-confidence and less likely structures on price charts. TrendSpider is also known for its automated alert system, which is designed to abstract user defined criteria and specified parameters to monitor price charts remotely from a cloud system.
TrendSpider's Raindrop Charts measure changes in market volume flow and price Unlike traditional candlestick charts, Raindrop Charts do not feature open and close prices. and Ruslan Lagutin in 2016. Prior to founding TrendSpider, Ushman had co-founded the web hosting company SingleHop in 2006, which was acquired by Internap in 2018.
TrendSpider introduced Raindrop Charts in 2019.
TrendSpider also has a weekly educational web series called the Stock Trading Pit Show.
Raindrop Charts
TrendSpider has developed a new type of financial chart known as the Raindrop Charts, This allows the charts to illustrate  the direction of price movement, the length of time it took for a price to reach a specific value, and the flow of volume during price movement. This data allows users to visually identify areas of market confusion as well as the strength of directional breakouts and trends.
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