Traditional houses restoration in indonesia

Why is traditional houses detiorating ?
The issue of deteriorating traditional houses
The things that deteriorate traditional houses are lots of things. But the main one is the termites, because termites eat wood and most traditional houses are made from wood. Termites can eat the whole house slowly. The termites can eat wood because they have to eat and feed their children; termites only live in tropical countries and Indonesia is a tropical country. One of the only houses that cannot get eaten by a termite is the Balinese house because most of the Balinese houses are made from stone and termites don’t eat rocks.
The other dangerous things to traditional houses are natural distasters, because even natural disasters can destroy big hard buildings made from metal. Imagine what can it do to a wooden and rocky house? Earthquakes can shake the house till it crumbles if an earthquake happens, the houses might collapse into small pieces of wood, and like in Sumatra a few months ago (the scale was 7.7). Traditional houses near the beach have a chance of getting attacked by a Tsunami like Aceh tsunami a few years ago.
Big rain and storms can deteriorate traditional house. The heavy rains raindrops drop very fast and can make paint peel off. Storms can also destroy traditional houses but the possibility is small. However once it strikes the house, the house will get burned.
The opportunity and reasons of restoring traditional houses.
We must take care of traditional house because it is our responsibility to take care of our culture and we must save our culture from disappearing from our country. Traditional houses are also a relic from our ancestors that we must tell to people who forget about them so traditional house will not be forgotten for generations that will come. If we want to be good citizens we must fund money to governments for the restoration of traditional houses.
The government of Kalimantan has helped by building more traditional houses and funding some money for the traditional house restoration because traditional houses there are very beloved by the people of Kalimantan. People of Kalimantan like their traditional houses because they are some of the most attractive houses in the world. If we stop preserving traditional houses, people will not live inside them again because if they got forgot people will not sell the materials again and will not plant the trees again to make them, and then the era of modern houses will be more popular. If some countries steal our culture a conflict will happen and then we will hate each other because we will not use that culture again. It is not another country’s fault for stealing it because we are not using it. Maintaining traditional houses is a big discipline.
Traditional houses connect to our cultural heritage because traditional houses are a relic from our ancestors. The building methods used and the materials used for construction are from an older time in our history.
The restoration of traditional houses changes over the years. They change the materials of the traditional houses from year to year and sometimes the materials are not too strong so the traditional houses get broken so fast. Also, in recreation places like TMII traditional houses there will be destroyed in 10 years time and then be rebuild again because if the wood get too old it will break into pieces and termites are the pest who cause the wood to break and termites are native in our country. It is peoples’ top problem if they have traditional houses.
What is the potenial result of restoring traditional houses?
The positive and negative effects of restoring traditional houses are…
Traditional houses will get more beautiful and unique so that even today we can still find really good traditional houses. It is really difficult for traditional houses to become extinct because in Taman Mini there are prototypes of traditional houses from all over Indonesia. Indonesian culture is becoming more known. People can learn about the culture by getting information about a traditional house. Traditional houses can be build anywhere; on top of mountain, on water (a boathouse) and the usual one on land. People of Penglipuran village collect bamboo, stone to make more traditional houses. The most traditional villages are in Bali. They include Penglipuran Village and Sukawana Village (which is situated on a mountain).
A traditional house is never the same anymore after it has been renovated many times. The wood color changes and the iron wood that has been used is almost gone from the world so they use cement. The wood that is being used now is not really good. It can easily get eaten by termites. People choose modern house, not traditional houses, because the modern architecture is better.
Who is preserving it?
There is a village in Bandung named SINDANGBARANG. It is really great at preserving cultural heritage because they teach their children how to build traditional houses and how to take care of them. They also teach the children everything they know about past culture. The people there are really happy to live there because they are preserving their ancestors’ heritage. also there is a village named Penglipuran Village, a unique and exotic example of traditional Baliness cultural village.�Penglipuran culture village is located in Bangli province which is 45 km from Denpasar. This village is one of the tourist spots that is easy to visit, because of its location in the main street of Kintamani - Bangli.

How to take action about this issue ?
We can help by taking action like creating this page. You can also plant iron wood trees that are used for the construction of Inonesian traditional houses. Furthermore, you can make a facebook page to tell people about traditional Indonesian houses. Remember that around the globe your traditional houses might also be forgotten because of modern houses.
Facts about traditional houses
Toraja houses. Most houses have the boat-shaped roofs, which are made of iron. The roofs used to be made of bamboo and other natural materials. According to myth, the first Toraja house was build in heaven by Puang Matua. It was built using four poles. The roof was made of Indian cloth and iron.
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