Torsten Haß

Torsten Haß (born 1970), also known by his pen name Kim Godal, journalist
Twice Haß was responsible for a LMS migration: in 2000 from a MS-DOS-based system to Dynix Corporations Horizon, in 2010 to aStec Corporations aDIS/BMS.
Career as an author
From 2001 until 2004 Haß was Press officer at the Kehl University, He also was editor of the university publication series Diskussionspapiere. In 2021, the reviews were republished in print. As can be expected from a person that choses more than one conventional specialized career path, the reviews of Haß span a substantial number of subjects, for example:
* Biology: Haß for example reviewed The Blind Watchmaker, The Third Chimpanzee and books by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, Desmond Morris, Frans de Waal James Lovelock, The Hitler Book, Sapiens but also books by Antony Beevor, Andreas P. Pittler, or Ian Stewart. and Sweet dreams , Thomas Metzinger, Susan Neiman, John Lewis Gaddis, but also books by Joachim Bauer, Mario Giordano, David Linden, Hans Markowitsch, Jon Ronson and others.
* Physics: Haß for example reviewed Big Bang, Werner Gruber, Stephen Hawking, and others.
* Sociology: Books for example by Barbara Adam,
* Language/literature: Haß for example reviewed Shakespeare, Ernst Jünger, Loriot, Walter Moers, Fritz J. Raddatz and others.
* Technology: Books for example by Jacques Neirynck,
* Theology and religion: Haß for example reviewed Breaking the Spell, Letter to a Christian Nation, but also books by Malise Ruthven , Burkhard Spinnen and others.
Fictional books
The date is the date of creation (as far as can be determined) rather than the date of publication.
Novels, stories and tales
Novels, stories and tales have been published under the pen name Kim Godal.
* Das Kartenhaus : ein Betrugs-Roman (2002)
* Der König des Schreckens : ein Vatikan-Krimi (2013<ref name="chrono" />)
* Männchensache : Rechtsfälle zur Vorbereitung im Geschlechterkampf - Roman (2009<ref name="chrono" />)
* Morddeich : und andere Kurzprosa (2021)
* Die Schwarze Zeit : ein Mittelalter-Roman (2006<ref name="chrono" />)
* Die Schwarze Zeit II : Aphrodites Puppen - Roman (2007<ref name="chrono" />)
* Die Schwarze Zeit III : Metathronos - Roman (2008<ref name="chrono" />)
* Die Schwarze Zeit IV : Agonie - Roman (2009<ref name="chrono" />)
* Die Schwarze Zeit V : Staub - Roman (2010<ref name="chrono" />)
* Die Schwarze Zeit VI : Terra re-mota - Roman (2011<ref name="chrono" />)
* Totenmelodie : ein Kurpfalz-Krimi (2017<ref name="chrono" />)
* Totenquintett : ein Kurpfalz-Krimi (2018<ref name="chrono" />)
* Totentraum : ein Kurpfalz-Krimi (2019<ref name="chrono" />)
* En Nuit : Dramolett (2021)
* Omega oder Das Hochzeitsmahl : Drama (2020<ref name="chrono" />)
* Die Staatsschuld - In a State of Bonds : Drama (2003<ref name="chrono" />)
* Das Christkind taumelt betrunken im Wald, der Weihnachtsmann torkelt nicht minder : Winter- und Weihnachtsgedichte (2020)
* Es wiehert der Gaul, es graset das Pferd. Es machte auch nichts, wär’s mal umgekehrt : Liebesgedichte und andere (2020)
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