Tomàs Molina (meteorologist)

Tomàs Molina i Bosch (September 26, 1963) is a popular meteorologist and Catalan television presenter.
Molina was born in Badalona. Married with three sons, he has a degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona and is a registered journalist.
At present he is the chief of meteorology of Televisió de Catalunya (or TVC for short, which is Catalonia’s public broadcasting network) and advisor to the SAM, Servicios Audiovisuales en Meteorología, of Activa Multimedia Digital. SAM produces Canal Méteo (the Spanish weather channel) and weather information to internet, press, TV channels and mobile phones.
Everyone can periodically see him presenting the weather forecast in “El temps” in TV3, exactly after the “Telenotícies” (News), in the 3/24 (24 hours news channel of TV3) and in the nights the weather forecast in the program “La nit al dia” (The night in the day) presented and directed by Mònica Terribas. He has also presented and directed reports of divulging about the climate change and environmental risks.
At the international level he is vice-chairman of the International Association of Broadcast Meteorology - IAMB and temporary president of the Climate Broadcasters Network - Europe depending of the European Commission about the Communication of the Climate Change.
He was also a member of the report called CRECE about the social perception and the state of the science in Spain.
At the national level he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Weather Catalan Service (Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya) and president of the Catalan Board of Advice of the Scientific Communication, C4. Teacher of Weather Prediction in the Master on Meteorology of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Barcelona. Recently he was a commissioner of the exhibition “Approach into the Sciente” and "Activa't!" about the technological improvements of the CCRTV that could be seen in Palau Robert (Barcelona). Also he has been a commissioner of “Protagonistas en verde” (Protagonists in green) of Punto Radio (a Spanish Radio Broadcast).
His dynamic spirit and eagerness to teach to the smallest to being of the child animation group called “Julivert” (Parsley) until 1987. Then he close a cycle in the one that combined the task of teenagers monitor for more than 10 years in Badalona.
During his youth he participated in the group JEGNAT which recorded the disk “Cinc cèntims d’or” (Five cents of gold) the song “I, demà què?” (And tomorrow what?), the first on the B side.
Published books
During his long professional career he has published several books. There are storybooks addressed to young children about the seasons and subjects.
* Tu, jo i el medi ambient: respostes a les preguntes bàsiques. Editorial Pòrtic SA. Barcelona. 2001. 174 pages.
* Contes del temps. Barcelona. La Galera. 2003. 40 pages
* Contes de l’univers. Barcelona. La Galera. 2004. 40 pages
* Contes de la Terra. Barcelona. La Galera. 2006. 40 pages
* Cuentos del cielo y la Tierra. Barcelona. La Galera. 2007. 40 pages
* El año que mi abuelo vio llover. Barcelona. Editorial Planeta.
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