TINO Methodology

The innovation method TINO
The innovation method TINO (acronym for Think Intelligence Network Owner) identifies valuable knowledge that has not been recognized yet. This so-called unrecognized knowledge results from the collection and integration of human perspectives.
The innovation method TINO is developed by Haim Dror, an Israeli Counter-terrorism Intelligence Colonel (retired) and the founder of HUMINT Solutions(2003). During his Master studies (1999) at Harvard Kennedy School, as a Wexner Foundation fellow, Dror started analyzing the commercial sector and realized that, in this sector, there is a huge domain of valuable, but unidentified information. Whereas in his intelligence work Dror was accustomed to the fact that people do not want to share information because of ideological motivations, this domain contains without such conflict. The reason why it is neglected is because the people themselves are, not aware of having this information or what Dror defined as ‘unrecognized knowledge’. Dror understood the potential to boost innovation with this ‘unrecognized knowledge’ and developed the Think Intelligence framework which later led to PBI (Preventive Business Intelligence). In 2010 this framework was integrated into the TINO methodology.
Because TINO has not only the potential to help businesses, but also to improve the everyday life of individuals, Dror, after working low profile, presented the methodology to the public in 2012. Since then several people in different parts of the world dedicate time to spread the TINO concept. In 2014, Maya Lievegoed, one of his Business Partners, was invited to share the concept at the TEDx Talentstage and later at the TEDx event in Utrecht (The Netherlands).
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