Global Punctuality Index

The ‘time’ is most precious, important resource but uncontrollable. Hence, one has to use the time effectively to succeed. Attitudes and values are the foundation of every country’s culture, and are the building blocks for developing business culture. The time could be saved by proper planning. Cultural influences, attitudes and behaviour vary within and across nations, regions, ethnicity, and are strongly embedded within communities. The time consciousness is very important cultural trait, and along with time punctuality, it influences economic development. Different culture treats timeliness differently. The results of William Di Pietro study lend support to the hypothesis that time punctuality matters for overall economic development, and for economic performance in terms of innovation, competitiveness, and the extent of state failure. Punctuality has the theoretically expected sign in all the equations, positive with regard to development, innovation, and competitiveness, and negative with regard to state failure.
By using relevant, reliable and acceptable data from citizens of participating country, country wise punctuality index can be developed. Punctuality is very important individual trait, ultimately collective punctuality is developed on the basis of individual and group behaviour.
The subject is emerging and very important. Like UNDP created Human Development Index and World Economic Forum developed Global Competitiveness Index and World Bank is publishing Doing Business Index every year, Global Punctuality Index intends to developed measuring punctuality of different countries and rank them in ascending order on scale of 100, the most punctual country. As the subject is new, the concept is floated by Dr. Vrajlal Sapovadia after initial research, seek feedback from other economists to make unique contribution to save trillions of man hour lost due to lack of punctuality. Punctuality Indexes are used by few corporations particularly transport services. . This index is to measure country wise punctuality.
Following research methodology may be used:
The index is intended to rank countries which participate through its citizens on the basis of score obtained on standard scale of 100. Citizens will be asked to be true, fair and reasonable to the extent possible. The score is collection of data for routine daily affairs, social functions, public gatherings, transportation, business & government functioning. The social functions are spread into all aspects of life cycle of man, begins from birth, marriage, death and other occasions. The citizens are asked to rate on scale of 100 for the structured questions and few open ended questions. The collective score is converted on standard scale of 100 by average out. Punctuality is defined as time planned for any task and task initiated & completed. If the difference is zero, full score of 100 is given. For each minute delayed, one point is reduced. Thus, if time to start particular task is 10.00 a.m. and its starts at 10.00, score of 100 is given. If the task starts at 10.05, the assigned score will be 95. If the task starts at 11.05, the assigned score will be 35, If the task starts at 12.20 or thereafter, the assigned score will be 0. The questionnaire is distributed through various social and public sources to capture data. The author is inviting suggestions to improve objectivity, transparency, spread and process through dialogue on this page.
The index to measure punctuality is useful as timeliness is very important for economic reason, social reason and for benefit of individual and groups, formal and informal organizations. Further time consciousness is less in developing societies compared to developed one. In South Asia, 1-2 hour delay is unnoticed and those who are punctual suffers till any function start. And hence, like corruption index, this index may be important criterion for establishing business through foreign investment. Global Punctuality Index must be measured through some minimum input through reliable sources and acceptable research methodology.
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