Tim Jay Richardson Jr

Tim Richardson was the Republican candidate in the 2008 congressional elections for the . On February 5, 2008, he won the Republican nomination to challenge incumbent Rep. Jerry Costello (D-Ill) by running unopposed in the Republican primary. During the election, Richardson was defeated as Costello won with 72% of the vote.
Personal information
Richardson was born on June 24, 1981 in Hamilton, Ohio.
He attended Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky, graduating in 1999. He is a student of TUI University and is expected to receive a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in December 2008.
After serving in the United States Navy from August 1999 to May 2005, Richardson began working for the government as a contracted employee of Nortel Government Solutions. He is currently working for the U.S. Air Force at Scott Air Force Base.
Richardson and his wife Melissa have two daughters and have been residing in Lebanon, Illinois for three years.
2008 election
Richardson won the Republican nomination to challenge incumbent Rep. Jerry Costello (D-Ill) in the 2008 congressional elections. This is his first campaign for federal office. He is considering running with his own funds.
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