Tim Bass

Tim Bass (Timothy James Bass), an internationally recognized Internet security expert, most notably in field of intrusion detection and anti-spam filtering, was the subject of a July 1999 article by Frank Vizard in Popular Science Magazine called WAR.COM, where Bass is credited with inventing the first countermeasure against email bombs used by hackers against Langley Air Force Base. The strategy invented by Bass in 1997 is known as the Blackhole Strategy.

In April 2000, the Communications of the ACM published earlier work by Bass where he developed intrusion detection techniques.
Bass also published IEEE papers on the topics of Email Bombs and Countermeasures and on Internet Exterior Routing Protocol Development.

Blackhole Strategy
The Blackhole Strategy is a defense against email bombs that was invented by Tim Bass during the Langley Cyberattack in 1997. The basic requirements of the countermeasures against email bombs are :

*Do not provide any feedback or error messages to the hackers or mail-bombers;
*Capture and minimize delivery of illegitimate mail using a rules-based filter;
*Copy suspect mail for future analysis, delivering legitimate e-mail robustly and quickly; and
*Keep and maintain all captured messages as potential forensic evidence.
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