Blue Shift 2

Blue Shift 2 is a third-party sequel the Valve's Half-Life: Blue Shift, the story closely follows that of Half Life 2 and its world. Barney is undercover with the Civil Protection.

It is set during the events of Half Life 2, you play as Barney Calhoun, a former mid-ranking security guard in the Black Mesa Research Facility, during the week Gordon and Alyx are teleporting back from Nova Prospekt. While seeming instantaneous to them, the trip took a week. After learning of the destruction of Nova Prospekt, the citizens of City 17 (and perhaps other cities as well) have begun to resist and are violently overthrowing the Combine. Barney has a major role in this. Thus begins the story of the mod.


* Enhanced AI - Your enemies will now be tougher using smarter tactics and working together to outsmart you.

* Enhanced weapon graphics.

* Stealth Gameplay - Enhanced AI now requires you to be more sneaky in your attempt of aiding the rebels.

* New Weapons - Barney will have full access to the Combine arsenal. New weapons include: Stun Stick, Combine Sniper Rifle, and Man Hacks.

* New Characters - Barney will have to interact with new characters not previously seen in Half Life 2.

* New Locations - Explore new areas of City 17 and Nova Prospekt not previously seen in Half Life 2.
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