
Virtualism is a new economical system that theoretically could be able to eliminate existing political and economic borders established by states to form a global economy. The system should be able to challenge the monopoly of the state as issuer of money by introducing its own virtual money. The virtual money should work at global scale and without direct dependency from regular currency. It's important to mention that the new economy society is not limited to only virtual goods. Probably the main characteristic of the new system comparing to the systems that already are using virtual money is that virtualism will work as society and by nature is not limited to particular company's business. In another words the virtual money will be property of the whole society.
Virualism is a term coined by the Deviant World Group for a brand new economic society of XXI century.
According to this group the working prototype of virtualism will be on market in 2011. Once it will be operational and done at full scale, it will quickly establish itself as the primer virtual society in the world. The society would allow for easy access and development for anybody, providing commercial, employment and advertisement opportunities that could be traded using virtual
It's already obviously that in the near future will be appears different flavors of virtualism.
One of the first flavor of virtualism that will go to market called "transparent virtualism".
The following link provide reference to "transparent virtualism" manifesto, that provide detail information about intentions and principals of this system. "Manifesto" was published in the middle of 2010 and Deviant World Group working hard to realize the "Manifesto" principles in practice.
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