Thomas Schumann Capital

Thomas Schumann Capital (TSC) is an American financial services company based in Wilmington, Delaware. The company was founded by Thomas Schumann in November 2011. TSC is a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment, which work to incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into investing. The company has also committed to advancing water stewardship through its endorsement of the CEO Water Mandate. TSC is geared toward advancing Sustainable Development Goal 6: ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. It was named the Water Risk Investment Adviser of the Year in 2018 by Wealth & Finance International.
The company launched the water security fund (not currently active) in 2019 in conjunction with the Farad Group as the first global investment fund focused on water security to encourage investments in companies practicing good water stewardship. TSC currently sponsors the Water Risk Index, the world's first benchmark index to incorporate water risk into security pricing. The index uses the waterBeta metric developed by Equarius Risk Analytics to measure and price company water risk.
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