
ThinkingRock is a cross-platform software program developed by Avente Pty Ltd, an Australian company based in Sydney. It is designed as a supplement to the book Getting Things Done by David Allen. It has been written in Java and therefore can be used on Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems. Many competitors software only run on one platform or are web based.
The screens flow provides an excellent interface to input thoughts (called Stuff in GTD) and process them into actions, projects, reference items, someday/maybe items or goals.
As in Getting Things Done, you can either assign them to be done by yourself ASAP, schedule it for later or delegate it to someone else. It also helps you structure your projects by only showing the next action required to further the project, so you won't be distracted by other, irrelevant steps.
Following the Getting Things Done methodology, the overview of the program includes the stages:
* Collect: dump all your thoughts (stuff) in one go;
* Process: for each thought, decide what you want to do with them. You can place them on a Someday/Maybe list, throw it away, keep it as reference, store it as a Goal, put it on your Do ASAP list, delegate it, schedule it, or mark it as done. You can also create a project out of it. This step should take 20 seconds per thought.
* Organise: you can plan your projects, move actions around, create sub-projects (no limit to the nesting), re-process actions or items. The projects are shown in a tree structure.
* Review: you can create dynamic tabs, defining your own filters. It is thus easy to create a Today, This Week, etc views but also per context or per priority tabs.
* Do: record any Notes, add links to url or documents. Once done, mark your action or project as done and saved the done date.
For the 6 Level model, you can organize your goals into sub-goals and link projects to them.
External interfaces
An iPhone application and an Android application are available to take your actions with you, enter new thoughts, mark actions as done, postpone actions or maintain your Action notes.
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