The West European Symphony Orchestra

The WESO was founded by André Miranda in 2012 as a spinoff project while he was attending the Film Scoring program of New York University. The WESO was created in response to the needs of the international filmmaking and media creating industry and to the rising demand for lower cost and high quality music production services.
The Orchestra
The WESO Orchestra specializes itself in recording and producing music for media. The orchestra is based in Lisbon, Portugal, while composition services are based in New York City.
Auditions and tests
The elements of the WESO were auditioned and tested for their abilities to perform difficult passages as well as for their capacity to sight-read. The acceptance rate was below 30%.
Training period
During 2012 and early 2013, training recording sessions were conducted in order to achieve the performance that was recommended by the founder of the orchestra, of a minimum of 8 minutes of recorded music per hour.
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