The Unknown Past is a 2013 Indian psychological thriller film directed by Dushyant kapoor, starring Shivam Kumar Gupta, Dushyant Kapoor, Ankit Singh. Plot 2 Guys Steve n shawn Making a Medicene for the unlimited powers of human being(like human body has electricity this medicine will increase the electricity to be used furthr,heat that medicine will convert heat into kinetic energy, IF A HUMAN BEING CONTROL ALL THIS WITH THIS MEDICINE HE WILL BE THE MOST POWER FULL BEING IN THE WORLD)...... They are using a DNA of human and Bat,lizard,frog and they both created medicene together but shawn was always jealus of steve as steve was confident and good from shwan try to get the medicine from steve for personal use,as steve knows about shawn that uske irade kuch thik nahi thee, steve try to hide the medicine from shawn and shawn get angry and ask him about where is the medicine? steve don't tell him so shawn try to kill him,steve call the security and spelled him but shawn say "i will come back for the medicine nd for u my friend"... steve medicine could do harm to the world if the medicine got in the wrong hand....for the safety of the medicine steve left the city an never be seen. Cast * Shivam Kumar Gupta as Dr. Shawn/Cracken * Dushyant Kapoor as Steve * Ankit Singh as John * Arnav Arora as Terrorist Production Under HardWorking Pre-Planning Stage. Release Screened Out in 2013.