The Triangle of Life

The Triangle of Life is a concept that explains society.
The concept of the Triangle of Life states that society is built as a triangle, similar to the peace symbol. At the top of the triangle there's me. At the bottom left corner there's us. At the bottom right corner there's them. "Them" are not part of "us" and "me" is not part of "them". However "me" is part of "us". The concept states that "me" is strongest as a part of "us", however if one concentrates too much on "us" then they lose sight of "them" and if one concentrates too much on "them", they forget about "us" and become one with "them". If one concentrates too much on "me" they forget about "them" and "us" thus losing what makes them unique, what makes them "me". In essence, none can exist without the other.
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