The transit of power in Russia after Vladimir Putin

The transit of power in Russia after Vladimir Putin (or 2024 problem) is connected with end of Putin’s presidential powers in 2024.
According to Ekaterina Schulmann, a wide elite pact is being sought, the alternative to which is the war of all against all. According to Oleg Chernozub, the Russian elite is able to find ways to solve this problem, Vyacheslav Volodin proposed expanding the powers of the parliament.
Valery Fedorov said that the Russian population does not think about this problem, while the focus group participants gathered by the Levada Center identified two main scenarios for its solution: preservation of presidential powers by Vladimir Putin and the appointment of a successor.
In general, there are several scenarios for the development of events in the political field of Russia in 2024:
* Competitive free elections
*: One of the least likely scenarios is when the next president after Putin will be determined as a result of an open political process.
*: One of the most likely scenarios is when Vladimir Putin will appoint his successor, who will be the main candidate for the presidential election of 2024.
*: In connection with the alleged transit of power, questions arise - will a successor be able to protect Putin in the same way that Putin protected Yeltsin? Will it be possible to change the president without serious destabilization and internal struggle? And most importantly - can the system built by Putin function without Putin?
* Amendment of the Constitution of Russia Even banding together with Belarus is being discussed.
* Putin retain power not as president
*: As an option, Putin can choose the posts of the Prime Minister with extended powers or the Chairman of the State Duma. In addition to the obvious conflict between Putin’s political regime and the official state system, the problem is also the impossibility for Putin to guarantee security for himself and his family if he leaves office completely. However, poor health can encourage him to leave.
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