The Story of Islamic Imperialism in India

The Story of Islamic Imperialism in India is a book by Sita Ram Goel published under his Voice of India imprint in 1982. The second revised edition was published in 1994. Goel describes the history of the Islamic invasions of India, and its role in contemporary Indian politics. The book also gives background to what the author calls dhimmitude in India.
Islamic invasions
The book claims that South Asia was as not "as easily conquered" by "the Muslims" as North Africa or Spain. "Reviewed as a whole, the period between the last decade of the 12th century and the first quarter of the 18th - the period which is supposed to be the period of Muslim empire in India - is nothing more than a period of long-drawn-out war between Hindu freedom fighters and the Muslim invaders." In two chapters, he describes atrocities that he attributes to some Muslim invaders and rulers like Mahmud of Ghazni or Aurangzeb.
Alleged History rewriting
Goel claims in the book that there was a "systematic distortion" of India's history which the Marxist historians of Aligarh and the JNU had undertaken. In particular, he claims that the history of medieval India and the Islamic invasions is being rewritten. He described it as an "experiment with Untruth" and an exercise in suppressio veri suggestio falsi. He argues that the Muslims should evaluate the Islamic history and doctrines in terms of rationalism and humanism "without resort to the casuistry marshalled by the mullahs and sufis, or the apologetics propped up by the Aligarh and Stalinist schools of historians", just as the European Christians did centuries earlier with Christianity.<ref name = "SII"/>
He believed that the "average Muslim is as good or bad a human being as an average Hindu",<ref name = "SII"/> and warned:
:Some people are prone to confuse Islam with its victims, that is, the Muslims, and condemn the latter at the same time as they come to know the crudities of the former. This is a very serious confusion, which should be avoided by all those who believe in building up a broad-based human brotherhood as opposed to narrow, sectarian, self-centred, and chauvinistic nationalism or communalism.<ref name = "SII"/>
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