Mission Verde Center

Mission Verde Center (Green Mission) is a multi-purpose complex in San Antonio, Texas that integrates education, training, research and technology demonstration to address market demand for a green-skilled workforce and advance San Antonio's sustainability objectives. The center is a result of recommendation nine for the Mission Verde Sustainability plan adopted by the San Antonio City Council in January 2010. The promise of the center is to reinforce economic development and sustainability efforts focused on increasing the implementation of renewable energy applications and conservation efforts.
Located at Cooper Middle School, a decommissioned San Antonio Independent School District middle school campus, the center has created an opportunity to focus high-demand training, technology demonstration and environmental stewardship in a culturally vibrant yet economically depressed community. The center is an example for turning urban school closures into positive anchors for low-income neighborhood revitalization.
The Mission Verde Center will help advance the goals of the city's comprehensive sustainability plan, Mission Verde, by showcasing how investment in energy efficiency, renewable energy and water conservation can help create jobs and stimulate economic growth within the framework of a sustainable future.
Mission Verde Center Organizational Alliances
The Mission Verde Center brings together key San Antonio stakeholders in the area of sustainability. Alamo Colleges plays a central role at the Mission Verde Center through implementation of new green jobs training courses that align with the needs of environmentally-focused businesses and industries.
Center partners dedicated to creating a hub for technology insertion, research and green jobs include: the City of San Antonio Office of Environmental Policy, San Antonio Independent School District, San Antonio Youth, the Texas Engineering Experiment Station of the Texas A&M University System, CPS Energy and San Antonio Water System.
Training and Education
The Alamo Colleges’ Green Job Training Institute will help the Mission Verde Center carry out its community-focused mission by being the site for open-house demonstrations of solar electric and solar thermal energy for the community and students.
Energy Efficiency Retrofitting
As part of the city's EECBG grant, a comprehensive energy audit of the facility is being conducted to locate opportunities for advanced energy efficiency technologies. In addition, a comprehensive water audit is being conducted to establish the baseline for water efficiency retrofits. San Antonio utilities, CPS Energy and San Antonio Water System, plan to demonstrate and evaluate smart grid components, advanced electric and water meters, renewable generation sources and water conservation techniques on the campus.
Distributed Renewable Energy
SECO grant funding will provide 48 kW of grid-tied solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation capacity to the center generation. This solar project will consist of solar array's mounted on the building's roof top and a parking structure.
Conservation Projects
Additional sustainable projects will include water efficiency, and conservation. All of these projects will serve as demonstration and learning opportunities for students and neighborhood communities.
Youth Focus
Growing a future workforce is a core mission at the Mission Verde Center. Alamo Colleges and San Antonio ISD are developing dual credit courses in renewable energy and conservation. Additionally, San Antonio Youth has begun a green building effort, YouthBuild Verde, for San Antonio, providing comprehensive education, leadership development, job training and a construction program for low-income high school dropouts. YouthBuild Verde homes will be built in accordance with Build San Antonio Green requirements and be LEED certified.
As part the Mission Verde Center, Alamo Colleges is developing the Energy for the Future site and demonstration events to build public school student and community awareness of the advantages of solar and other renewable energy applications. Modular multimedia educational systems and simulation units will allow the Alamo Colleges to "take to the road," bringing high interest, hands-on education experiences on solar energy into classrooms, after school programs teacher training, and community-based events.
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