The Small of the Bad

The Small of the Bad
The Small of the Bad is a game (some call it a life style), established in the early 21st century. It involves a baton, an infinite amount of players and many intricate and elaborate rules that can only be truly learnt by experiencing the game first hand. The game has gained international renown in only a short time. Many attribute this to the simplicity at amateur level and levels of depth at more advanced levels.

The game was created by two alumni of Leeds University, England, who wished for a way to pass the time with a game capable of being played anywhere. The name 'The Small of the Bad' comes from a rough translation of the French 'Le Petit de le Mal'. The creators, Ayman Kassem-Toufic and George Millard, are still avid players. They are currently involved with work in central Africa, teaching The Small of the Bad in schools as a playground activity.

The Baton
The Baton can be constructed from any solid object, although it is typically made from a rolled up leaflet or, in ideal circumstances, several condoms covering a single banana. Variations on the latter design (the 'deluxe baton') include freezing the banana pre or post condom stage.

The Rules (in accordance with the official site)

1. Get any of the below wrong, you drink as much as you want, or the amount that everyone shouts at you.

- The name of the game ('Small of the Bad' and 'Small of' are the only acceptable abbreviations of 'The Small of the Bad');
- The item being thrown can only be referred to as 'The Baton';
- Pronunciation of Baton: Buh-ton (where 'ton' is spoken like 'con')
- Refer to The Small of the Bad in a derogatory manner
- Hogging of the Baton (at other players discretion).

2. No aggressive play e.g. angry throws

3. If the baton is dropped at any point, the dropper drinks

4. If the baton is thrown badly, the thrower drinks

5. Whoever drops the baton is Small of the Bad

6. If it's not clear who the baton was thrown to, an arm wrestle takes place to decide who is The Small of the Bad
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