The Slap is a novel by the Australian author Roger McDonald, published by Picador( Pan Macmillan Australia), 1996
The slap in the title of McDonald's novel is a life-giving blow delivered to a baby boy at the font of an Australian country church over fifty years ago. Tanner Hatton Finch is granted life that day, but there seems perilously little promise in it. He grows up in isolated, windswept countryside, the child of misplaced artistic parents. A redemptive friendship forms the centrepiece of the novel until the dramatic appearance of a rival changes Tanner's life absolutely. A violent act, arrest and life imprisonment follow. Released at the end, to the care of both childhood friend and rival, Tanner's life through to the present has the original slap resonating morally, poetically, and physically.
(A later Australian novel uses a theme of the repercussions of a slap, and the same title .)
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