The Pique Poquette of Paris

The Pique Poquette of Paris is the seventh short in The Inspector series of theatrical cartoons. A total of 34 entries were produced between 1965 and 1969.
The Inspector and Sergeant Deux-Deux are assigned to take down a notorious "pique poquette" (pickpocket) named Spider Pierre, so named because he has four arms and two legs.
Their first attempt to lure him out is at a favorite watering hole of Spider Pierre, where The Inspector, after borrowing a thousand francs from Deux-Deux (against his will), goes in, flashes it around, and orders a drink. While waiting for the drink, he puts his wallet in his back pocket, where it is quickly snatched by Spider Pierre. After he drinks his drink, he goes to pay for it, and realizes his wallet was taken. The bartender then violently throws him out, calling him a deadbeat. Undeterred, the Inspector obtains more money from Deux-Deux (again against his will) to go back in, then tells him to synch his watch, but as they go to synchronize their watches, Spider Pierre sneaks up and takes just about everything out of The Inspector's pockets (wallet, watch, badge, comb, credit card, fountain pen, and even a picture of his mother), convincing him they were dealing with a vacuum cleaner.
While chasing Pierre through an alley, Pierre whips out his "spider webley specialist" (a gun with a spool of thread) and uses it to spin a web at the other end of the alley, which slingshots The Inspector's car back all the way into the Eiffel Tower, damaging it (the tower).
Later while chasing Pierre on foot, Pierre sends a piece of thread to the top of a building and climbs up, followed by the Inspector, who afterwards walks on another piece of thread like a highwire, only to meet Pierre at the other end holding the other end of it. He lets go and the Inspector swings into the side of a building, taking out part of the wall. He crashes down with the wall, only to have a safe crash on him and send him through the pavement into a subway line.
The Inspector later chased the Spider up the side of a building, and the Inspector tries to do so at first himself, but falls down. Undeterred again, he comes back with plungers on his feet, and starts running up the building after him. However, Pierre opens a window in the Inspector's path, and he falls into a woman's apartment, who screams and chases him out, accusing him of being a peeping Tom, then hits him over the head with a broom. When the Inspector hits the ground, he lands on the plungers, then springs back up to the woman, who hits him again. This keeps repeating, and as Deux-Deux watches, he says, "Well, that's cop biz for you. It has its ups and downs."
Finally, Deux-Deux faces Spider Pierre directly and threatens to "let him have it" if he doesn't surrender. This prompts Pierre to laugh uncontrollably, and Deux-Deux blasts him with DDT and subdues him.
Later in prison, both Spider Pierre and the Inspector are working on a rock pile, apparently for having counterfeit money on him, as the money he borrowed from Deux-Deux was his child's play money.
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